

Sandstorm is open source and runs on recent Linux distributions.

If you don't know Sandstorm yet, it lets you install server apps as easily as you install apps on your phone. Try a Quick Demo!

To run Sandstorm, you need a 64-bit Linux server connected to the Internet. (Requirements: Linux 3.10 or newer running on x86-64. 1GB+ of RAM; 2GB+ recommended.)

If you don't already have somewhere to run Sandstorm, consider creating a 64-bit Debian virtual machine on your favorite cloud provider.

Having trouble? Check our FAQ, or connect with us!

1. Download & run the installer

HTTPS-verified install

Run this in a terminal:

curl | bash

The installer will offer you free dynamic DNS and valid HTTPS via, a service maintained by the Sandstorm development team.

If you prefer more validation, you can download the install script from GitHub or build from source.

PGP-verified install

For people as paranoid as we are...

See the docs »

Amazon EC2 install

Begin install on AWS »

2. Follow the on-screen instructions

The install script prints the URL where you can begin setup. Visit that link and follow the on-screen instructions to configure login providers, e-mail, and other key details, then log in as a user.

3. Install apps

Once you've logged in, install some apps!

Apps in Sandstorm run with a click. You won't need to edit server configuration files or provision databases. Sandstorm manages access control, so apps are private by default.

4. Stay in touch

Read about how to get involved in the project and become a part of the community.

For troubleshooting tips and next steps, read the documentation.