Sandstorm News

Campaign Recap

By Kenton Varda - 22 Aug 2014

There are just under 10 days left in our campaign. As of this writing, we are 78% funded. If you haven’t contributed yet, now is the time! Go to Ingiegogo »

Let’s take this moment to recap everything that’s happened over the campaign so far. But first, some brief announcements.

Quick Announcements

App committee seats are sold out. We had been doubling the price for every 10 seats sold, but we’re all out of perk slots on Indiegogo, so we’ve stopped at 30. However, you can still get a seat on the committee by becoming a Key Individual Sponsor ($2048 includes-everything perk) or by being our top referrer (see referral program, below).

Heading for the playa? We know a lot of you San Francisco geeks might not have internet for the next week. Don’t forget to contribute before you leave, because the campaign will be over when you get back!

We finally added an RSS feed. The Sandstorm blog now has an RSS feed. Looking for an RSS reader? Try TinyTinyRSS on Sandstorm. :)

Our Core Sponsors

Our first Key Individual Sponsor ($2048 level) is Roger Wagner. Roger is known for many things, including having written the first book on Apple II programming and creating HyperStudio. As a sponsor, he’ll be featured along side our own team on our web site and in our credits. Thanks, Roger!

Our first Corporate Sponsor ($4096 level) is, a powerful web-based diagramming tool. As a sponsor, their logo will be displayed on our site and in our credits, and we’ll be helping them get on the Sandstorm app store. Thanks,!

Would you or your company like to become a core sponsor? Consider that your contribution alone could increase our funding level by four or eight percentage points, and we’ll feature you name and picture/logo on our web site and credits for at least two years. Thinking about it but not quite sure? E-mail Kenton to discuss terms.

Campaign Recap

Blog posts you should read

App ports we released

Talks and Interviews


Referral Program

Don’t forget about our referral program:

If you refer someone, and they contribute, we’ll give you your choice of:

a) 1GB bonus storage for every $10 referred (on our managed hosting service, for one year).

b) 10% of your referral total in app store credit. Remember that our app store will support a pay-what-you-want model for open source apps, so this basically means you can donate your credit to the developers of an open source Sandstorm app of your choice.

The top referrer will additionally receive their choice of a LAN party invite (see the $512 perk) or a seat on the app committee (with $256 voting rights).

In order to receive credit for your referrals, be sure that you are logged into Indiegogo, then use the buttons under the video on our campaign page to share. These buttons will generate links that track the fact that they came from you.