Sandstorm News

Should apps get network access by default? Android vs. Sandstorm

By Kenton Varda - 10 Jun 2015

Google’s Android team has announced that in Android M, users will be prompted to grant permissions to apps at the time the permission is used, rather than an the time the app is installed. That’s great! This will make it much easier for users to understand how permissions are being used and allows them to perform a “line-item veto” without uninstalling the whole app. This puts much more power in the hands of users, as it should be.

Unfortunately, permission to access the network is now going to be granted totally automatically. Is this the right thing to do? Android Police argues that it’s “probably okay”. But some of the arguments feel unconvincing.

At Sandstorm, we have some strong opinions on this. Sandstorm, like Android, seeks to run apps in an environment that enforces a strong permissions model (but Sandstorm targets servers rather than phones). Part of Sandstorm’s security promise to the user is that apps are “confined”: they have no communication with the outside world unless and until the user grants them permissions. This promise is probably the most controversial part of our security model, but we continue to believe it is the right thing to do. (Note: Sandstorm’s confinement guarantee is not fully enforced at this time, as we have intentionally poked holes in the sandbox during alpha testing in order to work around missing features. But, these will be closed over the next few months.)

So, let’s take a look at the arguments the Android team is making for abandoning confinement.

Bogus Argument 1: Controlling internet access is redundant on top of other permissions.

The Android team apparently argues that being able to disable an app’s network access is not very important as long as all of your sensitive data (say, contacts) is guarded behind other permissions checks. If you don’t want the app to upload your contacts to the developer’s server, they say, don’t give it permission to see your contacts.

This argument, to be frank, makes no sense. What if I want the app to organize my contacts (e.g. because it is a contact manager app), but still do not want it to upload my contacts to the developer’s server? The Android model seems to say that I must treat the app and the developer as one entity, which is unfortunate, but perhaps consistent with the SaaS model that Google is used to. We’d like to do better.

In fact, proper confinement allows us to do something rather magical which the Android team seems to be overlooking: If I can confine an app, then I can safely load sensitive data into the app even if the app is malicious! This in turn makes it much easier to feel comfortable using apps from random developers I don’t know. It also means I don’t need to worry too much about bugs in the app.

Moreover, even if I don’t plan to give the app any other permissions, I may still worry about whether the app might consume my resources in order to participate in a DDoS attack, anonymizing proxy service, or bitcoin mining rig behind my back.

Bogus Argument 2: The app can already leak data by opening a web page using an intent.

The Android team argues that an app can always use Android Intents to ask Chrome to open the developer’s web site, encoding my sensitive data as a URL parameter, thereby leaking my data. Because this is possible, they say, trying to provide confinement is pointless.

First, two simple responses:

  1. I will likely notice if an app opens Chrome with some weird URL, and be suspicious. That’s much better than it happening in secret.
  2. The app probably can’t participate in a botnet through browser intents.

More importantly, though, if intents allow trivial data leakage, perhaps that is a problem in intents. Perhaps the user needs to be asked whether or not they really want to open that link.

But would that be annoying? I actually don’t think it would be too bad. People who have installed multiple browsers on Android today are, in fact, already protected: Android prompts the user to choose which browser to use. The user can, at this point, press “back” to avoid the interaction altogether. Perhaps Android Intents should in fact prompt the user to choose an app even when there is only one choice: in fact, there is always a second choice, which is “don’t open this at all”. Meanwhile, this interstitial lets the user know that they are switching apps, which may help them be less confused.

Legitimate Argument: UX is hard.

I think that the real reason the Android team doesn’t want to implement internet access as a permission is because getting the UX right is legitimately hard. Pushing an “allow/deny” prompt in the user’s face on the first packet sent is genuinely annoying and not very helpful to the user, and the Android people aren’t feeling particularly excited about trying to develop something better, perhaps because they think that users don’t care (a popular but incorrect assumption).

I believe there is a better way: Instead of prompting the user to allow or deny internet access as a whole, prompt them for individual capabilities that the app needs, and then merge that prompt with a choice that they were already making. It turns out that most security decisions, if you look carefully enough, are in fact paired with some functionality choice. If you merge the choices together, then one of two things happens:

  1. The functionality choice is a choice the user already had to make, and by merging the security choice, you’ve avoided forcing the user to answer a separate security question.
  2. The functionality choice is a choice the user wasn’t already being offered, but by offering them a choice, you are giving them a real, useful ability that they didn’t have.

Let’s illustrate with some examples:

The Powerbox UI

All of the examples above will be supported through Sandstorm’s “Powerbox” UI. In general, the Powerbox is an arbitrary picker which can be invoked by any app and extended by any app. Underlying the Powerbox is the Cap’n Proto RPC protocol, which naturally represents capabilities (as granted by the powerbox) as RPC object references, automatically taking care of permissions and message routing.

We have been laying the groundwork for the Powerbox for some time. The infrastructure is ready, and we are now working on giving it a UI. This will happen gradually over the next couple months.

Even without the Powerbox, Sandstorm is highly usable today. Try the demo, install your own (it’s open source), or preorder hosting.