Sandstorm News

Upcoming events in San Francisco & Portland

By Asheesh Laroia - 17 Jun 2015

David, Jade, and Asheesh will be speaking at events in Portland, OR, and San Francisco.

San Francisco meetup, June 18

At our second SF meetup, we’ll have a brief intro by core dev David Renshaw about the new sharing features of Sandstorm. We’re lucky to have David in town, as he’s normally in Pittsburgh.

Co-founder Jade Wang will showcase how to package a Meteor app for Sandstorm, which is a preview of her jQuerySF talk.

That’ll be at ThoughtWorks (thanks to them for hosting!) in San Francisco, 6 PM Thu 6/18. RSVP here!

jQuerySF, June 22-23

At the upcoming jQuerySF conference, Jade will give a talk entitled “ one-click, deploy anywhere.” It’s at 11:10am on Monday, June 22.

If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, use our Friends & Family of Sandstorm discount code to register for just $20, saving a a huge amount off the ticket price. Register at the registration page and use the code sandstorm-ftw!

Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR, week of June 22

I’m giving two talks at Open Source Bridge, and would love to see Sandstorm-minded people there.

I hope to see you in SF or Portland! Feel free to drop me a line; I’m asheesh at